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Health Promotion and Maintenance Practice Test: NCLEX-RN

Reviewed by Winona Suzanne Ball, Nursing Adviser, RN | MHS, Governors State University, IL, Full member of the American Nurses Association.

Welcome to NCLEX-RN Health Promotion and Maintenance practice test #3! We’re glad you’re here! Each test has 45 questions that cover the important topics of this NCLEX-RN category. As you prepare for your appointment, we recommend taking every practice test at least twice. Each time, the questions and the four options will shuffle into a new random order. You can pause or restart the practice test at any time. In this practice test, you will find questions in the following subcategories: High-risk behavior, Intranatal care, Lifestyle choices, Developmental stages, and Physical assessment. Give yourself plenty of time to study before your NCLEX-RN exam. Just like the actual exam, there are multiple choice questions. Read each question carefully and try to think of the correct answer before looking at the choices. Need a hint? Click on the Hint button under the fourth choice. You’ll get a clue about which option is correct. If you make the wrong selection, we provide instant feedback by giving you an explanation that will help you remember the answer. We hope you will take each test several times. Every time, the questions are arranged in a different order, just like using flashcards. You will learn better and remember more. The questions are similar to those you’ll encounter when you sit for your exam, so you can feel confident about your studies. You may begin each test as many times as you wish.

Ensuring the accuracy and quality of our practice materials is paramount. Learn more about our rigorous standards in our Commitment to Accuracy article.

NCLEX-RN Fact Sheet

How many questions:75-145
Exam length:5 hours
Scoring format:Computer Adaptive
Exam typePass/Fail

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