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  • Based on the official NCLEX-RN exam guidelines
  • Updated for January 2025

Next Generation NCLEX: Extended Drag and Drop

Introducing our Extended Drag-and-Drop practice test, expertly crafted to prepare you for the Next-Generation NCLEX exam! This practice test is designed to help you master the new Extended Drag-and-Drop question format that will be an integral part of the NGN exam. These questions ask candidates to move or place responses into answer spaces, with the possibility of having more options than answer spaces provided. Our practice test offers an immersive and interactive experience, familiarizing you with this new question type and sharpening your critical thinking skills. By practicing with our Extended Drag-and-Drop test, you will learn how to effectively organize and prioritize information, a crucial skill for success on the updated NCLEX exam. Empower yourself with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the Next-Generation NCLEX exam by practicing with our Extended Drag-and-Drop practice test. This cutting-edge test will prepare you to confidently navigate the new question format, increasing your chances of success on your path to becoming a nurse.
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  • Perfect for nursing students and professionals preparing for the NCLEX exam
  • Triple-checked for accuracy by nursing experts
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What you need to know
5 out of 5 • 2 votes.
Reviewed by Winona Suzanne Ball, Nursing Adviser, RN | MHS, Governors State University, IL, Full member of the American Nurses Association.
What to expect on the official exam


5 hours

exam length


exam type

Computer Adaptive

scoring format