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  • Based on the official NCLEX-RN exam guidelines
  • Updated for March 2025

NCLEX-RN Practice Test for Safety & Infection Control (2025)

Welcome to the third practice test on Safety and Infection Control. Along with Management of Care, these two subcategories make up one of the four Client Needs, Safe and Effective Care Environment. Together, these subcategories provide between 12 and 100 test items of your NCLEX, depending on how many questions the Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) system needs to determine if you’re able to provide safe care to clients. The Safety portion covers all types of situations a nurse might encounter, both in and out of a healthcare setting. Infection Control focuses on preventing infections and disease transmission. This practice test includes questions on pediatric situations, fire safety procedures, disease transmission, client education, and nursing assessment. You can begin this test at any time. If you leave any test before it’s completed, it will remind you where you left off when you return. A good strategy is to read each question carefully and try to think of the answer before looking at the options. Remember that you should select the BEST choice. If you’d like a clue, click on the Hint button under the fourth option. When you select the correct response, you’ll go the next question. If you make a mistake, an explanation will immediately pop up with the rationale for the answer. Each time you take a practice test, the questions and options are shuffled into a different random order. These are two proven techniques to reinforce your learning.
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What you need to know
5 out of 5 • 1 votes.
Reviewed by Winona Suzanne Ball, Nursing Adviser, RN | MHS, Governors State University, IL, Full member of the American Nurses Association.
What to expect on the official exam


5 hours

exam length


exam type

Computer Adaptive

scoring format