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  • Based on the official NCLEX-PN exam guidelines
  • Updated for March 2025

NCLEX-PN Coordinated Care Practice Test

Welcome to the NCLEX-PN practice test for Coordinated Care, a subcategory of the Client Need, Safe and Effective Care Environment. This is an important section to study for your examination; 18 to 24% of the test items will be on the content included in Coordinated Care. An entry-level LPN/VN is expected to collaborate with all healthcare team members to provide excellent client care in every area. Coordinated Care includes advance directives, establishing priorities, advocating for clients, assigning care, understanding ethics and client rights, being familiar with HIPAA and client confidentiality, and having knowledge about informed consent and legal issues. Topics for this practice test include client prioritization, delegation, informed consent, ethics, HIPAA Privacy Act, and advance directives. Begin this test at any time. If you leave any test before it’s finished, it will remind you where you are when you return. Read each question carefully and try to think of the answer. If you need a clue, click on the Hint button that’s under the fourth option to get a sentence that serves as a reminder. If you select the correct response, you’ll automatically advance to the next question. If you make a mistake, an explanation will immediately pop up to provide the rationale for the correct answer. Each time you take a practice test, the questions and options are shuffled into a different random order. These are two proven techniques that reinforce your learning.
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4.6 out of 5 • 5 votes.
Reviewed by Winona Suzanne Ball, Nursing Adviser, RN | MHS, Governors State University, IL, Full member of the American Nurses Association.
What to expect on the official exam


5 hours

exam length


exam type

Computer Adaptive

scoring format