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  • Based on the official NCLEX-RN exam guidelines
  • Updated for January 2025

Pediatric Test 9

This practice test is another NCLEX-RN practice test that goes into more detail about pediatric topics. This practice test is similar to our other pediatric practice tests in that it will review the same area of issues, just at a more advanced level of understanding. When preparing for the NCLEX-RN examination, it is essential to be exposed to material that you may not have seen previously. This test will allow you to know how you think about both the basic pediatric topics and the more complex ones. Being prepared for this type of exam is the key to success, and this practice test will allow you to do just that. The topics included in this practice test are newborn problems, pediatric tests, pediatric infections, neonatal procedures, pediatric equipment, pediatric nutrition, pediatric abuse, adolescent mental health, adolescent growth and development, and more.
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  • Perfect for nursing students and professionals preparing for the NCLEX exam
  • Triple-checked for accuracy by nursing experts
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What you need to know
Reviewed by Winona Suzanne Ball, Nursing Adviser, RN | MHS, Governors State University, IL, Full member of the American Nurses Association.
What to expect on the official exam


5 hours

exam length


exam type

Computer Adaptive

scoring format