How to Become a Nurse:
Your Nursing Career Guide

How the NCLEX-NGN Will Be Scored

When the NCLEX-NGN launches April 1, 2023, candidates are going to see some significant changes. We’ve told you what to expect in these articles: NCLEX Is Changing: Learn More! and NCLEX-NGN and the Six Clinical Judgment Skills.There will also be three Evolving Case Studies included as part of the examination. Each case study will progress through six questions that mirror the Clinical Judgment Skills.And yet another BIG change? ...

Resources for NCLEX-NGN

With the launch of the Next Generation NCLEX (NCLEX-NGN), candidates for the new examination are eager to get as much information as possible about the new types of test items and how to practice for the case studies.Nurse Plus can help you learn what to expectNurse Plus has a helpful series of articles to help you get started: NCLEX is Changing: Learn More! NCLEX-NGN and the Six Clinical Judgment Skills Next Generation NCLEX Items Mor ...

Telehealth Nursing: What to Know

Medicine and healthcare are always changing. More and more, emerging subspecialties in every area allow for specific and unique focus for patients. That means new opportunities for nurses.One of the newest methods of patient care is telemedicine (also called telehealth). The American Medical Association (AMA) states, “Telehealth, telemedicine and related terms generally refer to the exchange of medical information from one site to anothe ...

More On the 6 Components of the Ongoing Case Study

A Deep Dive into the Six Components of the NCLEX-NGN Ongoing Case StudiesNeed help understanding the six components of the Ongoing Case Studies that are part of NCLEX-NGN? We’re here to walk you through each of them so you can feel confident when you sit for your examination.The Ongoing Case Studies are designed to simulate an actual case that you might encounter in a clinical setting. Rather than simply test the knowledge that yo ...

Next Generation NCLEX Items

What Are the New Test Item Types for NCLEX-NGN?When the new NCLEX-NGN format officially begins in April 2023, licensure candidates will prepare for two new components of the examination:NCLEX-NGN will continue to contain standard multiple-choice and select-all-that-apply (SATA) test items. The total number of test items will range from 85 to 150, just a few more than the current 75-145. This includes 15 questions that are being e ...

NCLEX-NGN and the Six Clinical Judgment Skills

When the NCLEX-Next Generation (NCLEX-NGN) launches in April 2023, each examination will include three case studies with six test items. The test items will follow—in order—the six components of Layer 3 of the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model (NCJMM).What is the NCJMM?The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is the organization that designs and oversees NCLEX, the licensure exam for nursing ca ...

NCLEX is Changing: Learn More!

As of April 1, 2023, the NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN will be adding new types of test items to their licensure examinations. Called NCLEX-Next Generation (NCLEX-NGN), every candidate who sits for the exam can expect to find some challenging case studies and questions. The new test items are going to be different in a few ways. They will:evaluate the candidate’s judgment in clinical situations. be based on scenarios that a new nurse migh ...

RN or LPN: Which Is Right for You?

Which profession should you choose?Thinking of going to nursing school? Great! You’re choosing a satisfying career that’s expected to continue to grow for the next decade. The demand for nurses will increase as the population gets older, develops more chronic conditions, and requires a wider range of services. Nurses will also be needed for new modes of caring for clients, including telemedicine.One of your first decisions w ...

Medication Calculations

Oh, those medication and IV calculations!  Whether you’re studying for your NCLEX, or an experienced nurse suddenly faced with figuring a dose manually, it’s important to remember that the final responsibility of keeping patients safe belongs to the nurse. Accurate medication calculation is a fundamental nursing skill that can never be fully replaced by technology.Every nurse can recite The Five Rights of Medication Adminis ...